
The last day of school

  The last day of school, the students of both grades met for the last time to say goodbyes. They did their last collaborative activity by writing 5 words for their collaboration. The most common words they shared were:  collaboration assistance happiness communication summer joy.

Interviewing the students of the 1st & 6th grade about the crooss-age collaboration on the STEM project

Here is a video of the interviews of the students of the 1st & 6th grade about the crooss-age collaboration on the STEM project "Building a bridge".

Project evaluation by the 1st and 6th grade students

 The students of the 1st grade wrote in DigiPad their impressions about their involvement in the STEM project on Building Bridges.  The students of the 6th grade shared their impressions about their involvement in the STEM project on Building Bridges in the Padlet below: Here is the questionnaire which the students of the 1st grade completed: In Microsoft Forms, the students of 1st grade had a self evaluation for the whole project. Evaluation in english: Here is the questionnaire of the 6th grade students:

Test our bridges by a mechanical engineer

  Our bridges were tested with the help of the expert, the mechanical engineer! We experinted with weights and came to results.

Learn about bridges by a mechanical engineer - Visit in our classroom

We learned  about bridges by an expert . A mechanical engineer visited our classroom. He told us about the 4 different types of bridges, the importance of a good forhead planning and the meaning of appropriate materials. The mechanical engineer's visit to our classroom was nothing short of inspiring as they delved into the intricate world of bridges. With passion in his voice and expertise at his fingertips, he illuminated the engineering marvels that connect our world. From discussing the structural design principles to the fascinating materials used, every detail unfolded like a blueprint of innovation.  As he shared the challenges faced and triumphs achieved in constructing these architectural wonders, a newfound appreciation for the artistry and science behind bridges blossomed within us.

Creating robotic bridges

 The students create bridges with GIGO blocks and code the Microbit to make the bridges move.

Presenting the procedures with Sway

 The students created a presentation of their STEM project: